Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Leap of Faith

Last week, inspired by the Cas Holmes exhibition, I experimented with collaging fabric and paper - again!

This is the third piece I put together, using the packing list for my daughter's residential trip to Hindleap Warren on Ashdown Forest.  I added some random bits of her timetable for the week, some labels cut out of her old clothes, a section of map showing the Ashdown Forest and a Waitrose bread wrapper from our lunch the first day she was away.

The words "leap of faith" had been haunting the Girl for months, ever since she started Year 5 and the much-anticipated trip became imminent.  From what I can gather, the Leap of Faith is a tall pole which they have to climb and then "leap" from to catch a trapeze bar.  I don't think she did it in the end, but she did do the "high ropes" which apparently were much higher and more scary...

Leaps of faith can also usefully describe our day-to-day life.  With the precarious financial situation in our wholly self-employed household I should perhaps follow this piece up with two more entitled: "Hold your Nerve" and "Don't Look Down".


  1. Quite different but lovely. Are they trapped feathers this time? Are you gluing as well as stitching?

    She's back then!

  2. love your mix of fabric and paper. And your latest post, the book, is awesome!


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