Monday, 5 September 2011

Can you hear it?

No, I can't either.  Isn't it marvellous?

I love the Girl and her joyous nature

but I also love a little bit of shush and the chance to THINK!

To celebrate, I've spent a happy morning emptying the Understairs Cupboard of Doom just so I could put away my 20lbs of jam that has been sitting on the stairs for over a week...

Today marks our final recovery from the "return from holiday" phase, which has involved driving another 1500 miles, staying up far too late and way too much dancing.

First up was a round trip to Somerset to celebrate my Grandmother's 90th birthday.  She wanted to do a parachute jump but had to settle for a flight in a Tiger Moth

Logistics meant we missed the flight itself, but we had a jolly good party afterwards and I saw all of my Father's side of the family.

Then after a few days sorting out the kitchen cupboards, it was off up the M1 to see my Mother's side of the family at my cousin's wedding.

And finding myself back in North Yorkshire

where I spent a huge part of my formative years seriously messed with my head.
And I don't think it was just the champagne and the late nights and all the dancing.

But we can't move North.
Not sure why, but we can't. 
At least not yet.

And just for the record, my holiday resolutions/revelations were:
  1. Declutter
  2. Stay on French time - we were in bed by 11pm and awake at 7am, so that's bed by 10pm and awake by 6am...
  3. Languages - get my French and German up to speed
  4. Live in the moment
  5. One thing at a time
  6. No telly
  7. Sleep on a firm surface
  8. I like swimming
  9. The internet, while fun and useful, is largely a waste of time
  10. Home is wherever we all are
I've already caved in on a few, but I'm still holding strong on the majority!

Finally I'll be back to stitching and creating things soon.
I have projects in mind...


  1. Good luck with the resolutions... they all sound very worthy. I'm with you on the internet thing... eats up far too much time... so what am I doing this morning...

  2. Hmm, I'm with you too, but it can be so useful & if we stick to the alloted 10, 8 & 4 but can't do 1 & 5...yet ;) Your holiday sounded fab.

    Thanks for your words of encouragement - what i am enjoying is a pure dramatic hoolie of a winter!Maybe autumn & summer back next week?

  3. Some wonderful resolutions there. Loving the thoght of a 90 year old getting a flight in a Tiger Moth! Wonderful!


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